Discovery Page asdlfalskdfj Discovery Step 1 of 4 25% Name* First Last Email* Phone*Website* Please describe your business* What value do you offer your customers over your competitors?* Describe your standard sales process. i.e., customer calls you, sets appt, etc* What are the goals for the company in the near future and long term?* What service or product would you like to sell more of?* Who is your ideal client?* How much knowledge of SEO exists within the company?*ZeroA littleA lotHave you previously had SEO done to your site? If so, please check the investment level?*NoLess than $500 per monthLess than $1,000 per monthMore than $1,000 per monthWhat forms of marketing are you using? Check all that apply.* SEO Yellow Pages Pay Per Click (PPC) Print, Radio, or TV None How much are you currently spending on marketing per month?*Less than $1,000$1,000 - $5,000$5,000 - $10,000Over $10,000 What keywords do you want to rank for? Write as many as you can think of. (Keywords are the words typed into Google to find your company online. e.g. "San Diego Plumber")* Who is your competition?* How many additional customers do you want to get per month?*What is your budget range for obtaining new customers?*